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Feel safe, supported, and held every step of the way 

IbogaQuest began over 15 years ago as an unintentional community of lay people with a shared interest in helping ourselves and others heal and change though the use of sacred plant and psychoactive medicines.

Over the years, we have honed our skills and evolved into an increasingly more professional and focused team of caregivers, prepared to cheerfully take on those challenges that we feel we can meet in these troubling times.


Throughout this process we have remained humble and resisted the temptation to focus on the commercial potential of this powerful plant/spirit for personal or institutional gain. Rather, we have endeavored to build a reputation for safety and excellent patient care. A reputation based on a deep respect both for the medicine itself and the glowing experiences of those whom we’ve had the honor to serve.

music player iboga quest

Our intention
is to serve with

We aspire to treat all those seeking our services with compassion.

We seek to honor and nurture the person beyond the addiction, psychological or emotional issue, or spiritual blockage that currently manifests as suffering and

While working with this plant is rewarding and fulfilling unto itself, what really moves us is seeing real transformation in those that trust us with their care.

Careful screening,
and after-care as integral
aspects of optimal healing

We have come to understand the role of careful screening and straightforward communication, as well as the benefits of good pre-care and after-care as integral aspects of optimal healing.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept people for treatment who are either unlikely to benefit, or for whom treatment would be ill-advised due to underlying medical or psychiatric problems.

IbogaQuest experience

by beauty

IbogaQuest is located in a high mountain valley an hour and a half from the Mexico City airport. It is an ancient pueblo, overlooked by a pyramid that is still central to the cultural life of the community.

Surrounded by majestic peaks, there's an undeniable aura of mountain spirit, offering a sense of protection and tranquility.

iboga clouds
iboga center
ibogaine in contained space
Tepoztan views


We consciously create an atmosphere promoting mindfulness and awareness providing a protected space for the guest to process inner material, aloud or in silent contemplation

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